Apache Junction Contract Attorneys & Lawyers

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Steven S.

Steven Stark

539 reviews
For over 30 years, Steven Stark has offered counsel to non-profit organizations and private companies. He has a passion for helping small businesses in particular since he himself started several businesses of his own in New York and Florida. He understands the importance of small businesses having a reliable attorney to advise them about legal matters from their inception.
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Sue D.

Sue Dunbar

267 reviews
Go with Sue Dunbar if you want a big law firm experience with a small law firm cost. Sue's experience working at Robins Kaplan LLP and serving as special counsel to Senator Joseph Dunn has landed her big-name clients like BestBuy, Time Warner Cable, and Yahoo!. Currently, Ms. Dunbar specializes in knowledge about confidentiality and privacy laws regarding sensitive trade secrets.
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Joshua G.

Joshua Garber

285 reviews
Representing notable clients like Tesla and the City of Los Angeles, Josh Garber excels at helping clients with employment and labor laws. Many of his past clients have had great success using Josh for employment agreements and Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) hearings. With his practical advice, he has even helped clients avoid going to court.
Paul N.

Paul Nordini

2 reviews
Upon his law school graduation in 2001, with a course emphasis in business strategy and taxation, Mr. Nordini found his strategic approach to legal issues were proving to b... read more
Averie B.

Averie Brookes

2 reviews
Averie Brookes, Esq., is a founding member of Trinity Law Firm. Her firm specializes in business and corporate law with a focus on commercial lending, SBA loans, Federal ... read more
Ronald T.

Ronald Tocchini

2 reviews
RONALD TOCCHINI has served as a strategic advisor and advocate for several Fortune 500 companies and hundreds of emerging-growth ventures. His law practice includes interna... read more
Chandler H.

Chandler Holsapple

2 reviews
I’m your law guru, business builder, and ultimate hype woman. I’m passionate about lots of things, but helping people build a life that brings them joy and elevates their... read more
Bijal P.

Bijal Patel-Weintraub

2 reviews
Bijal has two decades of experience in corporate environments and building and operating businesses. She utilizes this expertise to help her clients effectively and efficie... read more
Justin C.

Justin Clark

1 review
Justin Clark is a business attorney with experience in a wide variety of corporate legal practice areas. He is licensed to practice law in Arizona and received his degree in law after he graduated from the Arizona State University – Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. Justin is skilled in dealing with commercial contracts, as well as legal cases that involve labor and employment law. He has been the managing attorney of the J. Clark Law Firm since December 2013.
Steven C.

Steven Cook

Steven W. Cook is a partner at the law firm Cook & Cook in Arizona. He practices in a number of areas including business law, estate planning and probate law, intellectual property law, and real estate law. Steven holds a J.D. from Arizona State University. As an undergraduate, he co-founded a digital advertising company that raised over $1 million in VC funding. He has contributed to Entrepreneur and Forbes, among others.
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Legal Services Offered by Our On-Demand Apache Junction Contract Attorneys

The Apache Junction contract attorneys & lawyers on UpCounsel are dedicated to helping businesses save time, money, and peace of mind with contract drafting and review, negotiations, litigation support, discovery, commercial business transactions, and more.

Our independent contract attorneys are available on-demand to provide contract legal services for businesses or to support your in-house general counsel to help lighten the load for transactional matters or litigation support.

Although the work of the Apache Junction contract attorneys found on UpCounsel often varies they are highly experienced in legal contract activities such as commercial contract negotiations, document review in response to document subpoenas, request for production of documents, legal research, draft legal briefs, along with providing a full range of other contract legal services to businesses of any size.

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